
This module generates a report from result of cppcheck static analysis.


Generates html report from coverage statistics. Available from ubuntu packages or from
This module must be enabled in order to load CovRule.


  [ EXCLUDE_PATTERNS <pattern> [ <pattern> .. ]]
  [ MIN_PERCENT      <value> ]

This function generates cmake targets that produce reports that show your code coverage. Generated targets are added as dependency of the global cov and doc-clean targets.


Name of the module. It determines the name of the generated cmake targets and the directory where targets generate the report.

List of files patterns to exclude from for coverage measurements.

Default value is given by CovRule_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS.


Minimal percent of line coverage to consider target as successful. The target itself won’t fail but generated JSON status will be tagged as failure.

Default value is given by CovRule_DEFAULT_MIN_PERCENT.

Global variables


Generated targets

generate coverage reports for all modules
removes coverage reports for all modules
generate coverage report for module <module>
removes coverage report for module <module>

Generated reports

HTML : reports/coverage/<module>/index.html

Bellow an example of generated html report :

_images/coverage-summary.png _images/coverage-details.png

XML : reports/coverage/<module>/coverage.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE coverage
  SYSTEM ''>
<coverage branch-rate="0.0" branches-covered="0" branches-valid="0" complexity="0" line-rate="0.939089692102" lines-covered="1403" lines-valid="1494" timestamp="1483189103" version="2.0.3">
              <package branch-rate="0.0" complexity="0" line-rate="1.0" name="......core.src.config">
                              <class branch-rate="0.0" complexity="0" filename="../../core/src/config/Grammar.hxx" line-rate="1.0" name="......core.src.config.Grammar.hxx">
                                              <method branch-rate="0.0" line-rate="0.0" name="xtd::config::impl::Grammar&lt;std::istream_iterator&lt;char, char, std::char_traits&lt;char&gt;, long&gt; &gt;::handleError(boost::spirit::line_pos_iterator&lt;std::istream_iterator&lt;char, char, std::char_traits&lt;char&gt;, long&gt; &gt;, boost::spirit::line_pos_iterator&lt;std::istream_iterator&lt;char, char, std::char_traits&lt;char&gt;, long&gt; &gt;, boost::spirit::line_pos_iterator&lt;std::istream_iterator&lt;char, char, std::char_traits&lt;char&gt;, long&gt; &gt;, boost::spirit::info const&amp;)" signature="">
                                                              <line branch="false" hits="0" number="124"/>
                                              <method branch-rate="1.0" line-rate="1.0" name="xtd::config::impl::Grammar&lt;__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator&lt;char*, std::__cxx11::basic_string&lt;char, std::char_traits&lt;char&gt;, std::allocator&lt;char&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;::Grammar()" signature="">
                                                              <line branch="false" hits="20" number="10"/>
                                              <line branch="false" hits="23" number="10"/>
                                              <line branch="false" hits="23" number="11"/>
                                              <line branch="false" hits="46" number="26"/>
                                              <line branch="false" hits="46" number="27"/>
                                              <line branch="false" hits="23" number="28"/>

JSON : reports/coverage/<module>/status.json

  "status": "success",
  "graphs": [
      "data": {
        "labels": [],
        "datasets": [
            "borderColor": "rgba(51, 204, 51, 0.5)",
            "pointBorderColor": "rgba(31, 122, 31, 1)",
            "yAxisID": "absolute",
            "label": "covered lines",
            "backgroundColor": "rgba(51, 204, 51, 0)",
            "pointBackgroundColor": "rgba(31, 122, 31, 1)",
            "data": "%(covered)d"
            "borderColor": "rgba(179, 0, 0, 0.5)",
            "pointBorderColor": "rgba(102, 0, 0, 1)",
            "yAxisID": "absolute",
            "label": "total lines",
            "backgroundColor": "rgba(179, 0, 0, 0)",
            "pointBackgroundColor": "rgba(102, 0, 0, 1)",
            "data": "%(total)d"
            "borderColor": "rgba(102, 153, 255, 0.5)",
            "pointBorderColor": "rgba(0, 60, 179, 1)",
            "yAxisID": "percent",
            "label": "% covered lines",
            "backgroundColor": "rgba(102, 153, 255, 0)",
            "pointBackgroundColor": "rgba(0, 60, 179, 1)",
            "data": "int((float(%(covered)d) / float(%(total)d)) * 100)"
      "type": "line",
      "options": {
        "scales": {
          "xAxes": [
              "ticks": {
                "fontSize": 12,
                "minRotation": 80
          "yAxes": [
              "position": "left",
              "ticks": {
                "fontSize": 24,
                "beginAtZero": true
              "type": "linear",
              "id": "absolute",
              "display": true
              "position": "right",
              "ticks": {
                "max": 100,
                "fontSize": 24,
                "beginAtZero": true
              "type": "linear",
              "id": "percent"
        "title": {
          "text": "%(module)s : coverage",
          "display": true
  "data": {
    "covered": 1403,
    "total": 1494,
    "percent": "int((float(%(covered)d) / float(%(total)d)) * 100)"
  "label": "93 %"