
XTDMake is a set of CMake packages that provides easy-to-use targets that generate code quality measurements reports.

  • Documentation (using Doxygen)
  • Documentation coverage (using Doxygen and Lcov)
  • Count lines of code (using Cloc)
  • C++ static code analysis (using CppCheck)
  • Unit tests (using CMake’s test facility)
  • Code coverage (using Lcov)
  • Memory leak of unit tests (using Valgrind)
  • Code duplication analysis (using Pmd)
  • C++ include sanitizing (using Iwyu)

Each target generates both a locally readable and machine processable reports. Local report targets the developer while the machine-processable reports can be used in your Continuous Integration (CI) process.

Locally runnable

Key Point Indicators (KPIs) measurement tools are often built in the CI work flow and therefore cannot be run on the developer’s local environment. This usually lead to discovering regressions (failed tests, a lower coverage or what-so-ever) only after pushing code to distant repository. Developer’s being responsible for the KPIs, they should be able to run the measurement tools before pushing new code.

Per module

Because code of industrial applications is usually divided in different modules, each with a different purpose and levels of criticity, XTDMake’s KPIs reports are generated per module, allowing a finer interpretation of the indicators.

Incremental execution

C++ compilation is already slow enough. XTDMake’s targets are designed to be fully incremental with a fine dependency tracking.